Furness Leak Tester

Advanced Pressure Decay Leak Testing Instruments

Our new touchscreen instruments offer a multitude of test types, pressure and leak ranges, and are used across industry to verify product integrity and enhance consumer safety.

Furness Pressure Standard

Reference Pressure Standard

The FRS4 from Furness Controls is a low-pressure standard directly traceable to national standards, with a typical uncertainty of ±0.005% reading + 0.02Pa.

Furness Differential Pressure Transmitter

Differential Pressure Transmitters

Suitable for ultra-low pressure measurement, our highly-versatile transmitters have an accuracy 0.25% of reading.

Leak Testers with model

World Leaders in Leak & Flow Testing

Furness Controls has been innovating in the field of automatic leak detection for over 50 years...

Our range of automatic leak testers & flow meters provide a multitude of solutions to your test problem, with a diverse range of test types, pressure, flow and leak ranges.

From PLC-driven production lines, to manual use on the bench top, our instruments are used throughout the world to ensure the quality and safety of manufactured goods.

Pressure and Flow Measurement Devices

Pressure & Flow Measurement

Our expertise in the manufacture of highly sensitive differential pressure sensors allows us to provide flow and pressure measurement solutions with unparalleled accuracy at the low-end of the scale.

Our pressure transmitters start at a range of just ±50 Pa, with an accuracy of better than 0.25% of reading.

Through our varied range of Pitot tubes, laminar flow elements, flowmeters and transmitters, we can offer a complete solution for low-pressure and low-flow measurement.

Pressure and Flow Calibration Device


We have been raising the standards of accuracy and calibration in the field of ultra-low range differential pressure and air flow measurement for decades.

Whether you are looking for a service to calibrate your instruments or a calibrator to do the work yourself, Furness Controls can help.

Our Calibration Laboratory is accredited for ultra low range differential pressure from 0.001 Pa up to 40 kPa, for gauge pressure up to 4 MPa, and air and gas flow from 0.1 ml/min to 2000 litres/min

We have a worldwide network of global distributors

We have a breadth of knowledge, and 50 years experience